This blog shares what I know about the basics of mommyhood AND serves as a reminder to myself that sometimes the basics--the simple, low-stress, quality, creative, loving--aspects of parenting are really what is important.
I'll share and recommend:
- healthy, easy recipes and food preparation tips,
- parenting advice,
- fun activities for families,
- easy ways to save money,
- favorite books for kids and parents (I'm a librarian, after all),
- basic products that I've found to be affordable and worthwhile,
- travel tips (my 21 month old has been on almost 20 flights!).
My hope is that you will contribute tips as well, since I'm not an expert on all of this, but I am committed to trying to keep the "basics" in mind while living our lives. My goals for my family include good health, learning opportunities, peace and calm sometimes while dancing and rowdiness other times, planned yet flexible schedules, saving money while still having quality, and lots and lots of smiles and happiness! Let's get back to basics!!